First Things First:
There has been no better time in the world right now than ever when financial freedom looks possible to each and every one of us.
Stock Market provides an immense opportunity like never before. You need just a couple of clicks to start.
Here is a quick stats for you if you do not believe me.
If you are 30 years old and invest just 30 rupees per day (which amounts to 900 per month and 10,800 per year) and let’s just use the Nifty 50 historical return rate of around 14% CAGR. How much do you think you will have racked up after 40 years at 70 years of age?
Just take a wild Guess.
You will have a total amount of about Rs. 1,46,63,866. That’s about 1.5 crores. (you will have to pay some taxes here)
Now in 40 years’ time, this amount would actually buy you quite less than what it can buy you now, but nonetheless, see how much did it take for you to save this? 30 bucks every day. what’s 30 bucks today? A chai Sutta break. A Gulab Jamun after a meal, a vimal pan masala?
Now imagine if you can save just a meaningful amount every month, like say 7000 rupees. The same calculation will lead you to savings of about 11,40,52,292.91 rupees. Bro?
Yeah No kidding. So Open a demat account and start right now (DM me if you need any help with that)
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Now You have got your Axe and there is a forest to cut, what do you do?
Start cutting? or start sharpening the axe. Damn right! Sharpen the axe.
You need to learn the right way to trade/invest or else forget the Financial freedom you have dreamed of.
“There are different ways to make money but only one way that suits you.” ~ Sakatas Homma
It took me 2 years give or take to find the right way i.e. my way. I began by trying fundamental investing which did not work for me. Burnt my hands being a day trader and finally swing/positional trading is where I found my calling.
Meanwhile, I read more than 50 books, studied every profitable trader on the planet, plundered Youtube for the most profitable strategy ever, and so on.
In the beginning, I was completely lost, to say the least.
I had so many inherent emotional biases which were stopping me from being profitable.
I had also picked up so many bad habits in the beginning, which took double the time to replace (for eg. not having a stop-loss, or buying a falling stock as it looked cheap).
All of which ended up in frustration and misery to the point that I was about to give up.
The amount of money lost (or did not make in the bull market) easily was far more than what the amount required to actually learn the stuff.
Just having a mentor could have saved me money and 2 years of my time.
Had I spent 2 months learning properly using a small amount of my capital and used the rest, I would have done brilliantly for myself for sure.
To recap:
The stock market is the key to financial freedom.
It’s hard to start if you are a beginner.
learn before jumping into trade and investing.
Have a mentor and save your time and energy.
Sakatas Homma exists to share all and any trading-related information and data with any beginner who wants to learn how to trade for free. Furthermore,
Whenever you are ready, I can help you level up your trading in the following ways:
Sakatas Homma TA masterclass for beginners:
A monster course (12-15 hours total). Hourly sessions on weekends. Twice a year. Please register for the fall 2023 course using the link below.
Sakatas Homma Academy membership:
This is a subscription-based private access educational service, where you will learn about my trading style in real-time, my watchlist and set-ups, & my process overall.
You can either avail a monthly or a yearly membership. For more details, WhatsApp me @ 9481506784. Early bird offer, 50% off on the 1st-monthly subscription.