I started a free “25-HTFs with Homma” exercise in late November 2023.
The goal was to show how one can trade High Tight Flags creatively to beginners.
We had around ~100 traders (some from my private group HPA and some joined specifically to learn HTF trading).
But mostly it was beginner-heavy cohort.
The idea was to finish 25 HTF trades (which I couldn’t finish due to time constraints) and see what came out, and what we could learn from the exercise.
I had never done anything like this before (my trading masterclass course isn't hands-on).
So I had a clean Slate.
And I freestyled my way out. Basically!
We started by laying out some ground rules on how to take the trades.
We would meet for an hour (a couple of days a week). This amounted to ~10 hours of live sessions in total (let me know if you want the recordings).
I would scan ~50-100 probable HTFs, mark the peak ones, and share the watchlist (update it periodically).
Discuss what makes the setups good or bad.
Everyone was FREE to take their trades from the list but were to update as soon as we took them.
Out of the ~100 traders, many figured that it wasn’t for them and dropped out the 1st week. Many lost interest mid-way. A handful were hooked till yesterday and diligently followed the rules and processes laid out by me (big round of applause. well deserved).
In this article, I am going to:
Share my trade statistics.
Annotated charts with entries and exits.
Share my top 3 learnings.
Share some participants’ performance and highlight some key learnings they had.
My Results:
I took 11 trades. 2 hit the stoploss. 1 was derisked at 2R and the other half hit SL. Another was derisked and the remaining trades I am still holding and are still active. To calculate the results, I have taken today's price as an end price.
My trade Statistics:
I would rate this as anywhere between “Not bad” to “pretty good”.
Find the individual annotated charts with entry type, entry, SL, exit, and some comments marked:

3 Key Takeaways:
Cut your losers short and let your winners run.
Cut your losers short and let your winners run.
Cut your losers short and let your winners run.
We also learned a few tricks that would particularly help beginners with their trading mentality and psychology, like de-risking (but for another article).
Participants Performance and their key learnings:
This isn’t a complete and exhaustive list (as I announced the closure of the exercise today, I believe more feedback is still to come).
Harshita: Less fear, more discipline, more confidence.
Agam: Gained Patience. Identified a peak problem of selling too early.
Adnan: First profits in 9 months of trading (12th Fail scene: fell on the knees, eyes wet). Peak confidence, fearless execution. (Ignore the last lines.)
Sarath: Realised a peak beginner mistake of thinking what goes up very fast will not move anymore. Found the confidence to follow the holy grail i.e. “let your winners run”.
I have more, but the email limit has been reached. Will publish it as an addendum some other day.
If you wanna join the next batch (which will be paid and 10-HTFs only). sign up using the form below: 50 seats only.
See you next week.
Sakatas “HTF” Homma